INOV.AM was present from June 3 to 7 in Bilbao at Addit3D – International Fair of Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing, conducting a prospecting visit to promote the Agenda and foster networking.
During this visit, INOV.AM met with various companies to create new business opportunities and establish strategic partnerships that contribute to the continuous growth and development of the Agenda.
Representing the consortium of the agenda, AIDA – Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Aveiro District met with the organization of the Bilbao exhibition center to present the project and learn about the details of the next edition of the Addit3D 2025 fair, where INOV.AM will be present.
O projeto “Agenda INOV.AM” decorre de 1 de julho de 2022 a 31 de dezembro de 2025 e é cofinanciado a pelo Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência português através do Next Generation EU.