TecMinho conducts educational sessions on intellectual property protection   

On January 15 and 22, INOV.AM agenda partner TecMinho organized two sessions aimed at training the consortium’s partners in the field of intellectual property protection.    

The first session, an online workshop on Patent Search, instructed attendees on the use of patent databases, covering search methodologies and the information needed to fill them in properly, with a practical demonstration of searching the available platforms.   

In the second session, a webinar on Patent Application Protection for Computer-Implemented Inventions (CII), several crucial aspects relating to patent analysis and claiming were covered. Among the topics explored were the analysis and structuring of patent claims, their categories, as well as the identification of technical characteristics, which are fundamental for validating the patentability of CII, and practical examples.   

This webinar was held in collaboration with the INPI – National Institute of Industrial Property, and was led by João Marcelino, an expert in the field and an INPI examiner.   

Within the scope of WP23, TecMinho is responsible for technological surveillance and knowledge protection. These sessions aim to train the partners in the INOV.AM agenda, providing essential information to ensure the proper protection of their developments. 

Inov.AM - Inovação em Fabricação Aditiva